Is Your Cyberattack Plan in Place?

The Critical Need for Cyber Attack Contingency Plans in the Casino Industry

The casino industry is a high-stakes environment, not just for gamblers but also for the businesses themselves when it comes to cybersecurity. With the industry’s growth and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, it’s more important than ever for casinos to have a solid cyber-attack contingency plan in place.

The Growing Cyber Threat Landscape

Casinos are lucrative targets for cybercriminals, with the industry expected to grow by $11.42 billion between 2021 and 2025.1 The threats are diverse and damaging, ranging from ransom-related distributed denial of service attacks (RDDoS) to the theft of sensitive customer data.1 The frequency and complexity of these attacks are alarming, with organizations facing millions of hits daily. The potential for a single unpatched vulnerability or a careless user to trigger a catastrophic event is a stark reality for casinos.

The Financial Implications of Cyber Attacks

The financial impact of a cyber-attack on a casino can be devastating. For instance, if a casino grossing $400,000 daily is shut down for a week due to a cyber-attack, it stands to lose $2.8 million in revenue. This doesn’t even account for the additional costs associated with system restoration, reputational damage, and potential customer loss.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cybersecurity Monitoring

Given the high stakes, investing in a cybersecurity company to monitor for attacks is a sound financial decision. The average cost for such services ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per month. When compared to the potential losses from a cyber-attack, this investment is not only reasonable but also necessary for the financial well-being of the casino.

The Benefits of a Cyber Attack Contingency Plan

  1. Risk Mitigation: A contingency plan helps casinos identify and address vulnerabilities, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks
  2. Business Continuity: A robust plan ensures that operations can continue with minimal disruption during and after a cyber attack
  3. Damage Limitation: Quick and effective response measures can limit the damage caused by an attack, preserving the casino’s reputation and customer trust
  4. Regulatory Compliance: A contingency plan can help casinos comply with proposed legislation and avoid legal repercussions2
  5. Employee Training: Educating staff on cybersecurity best practices can prevent attacks that exploit human vulnerabilities
  6. Vendor Risk Management: A plan can include protocols for managing third-party vendor risks, a known point of vulnerability
  7. Insurance Coverage: Adequate insurance can mitigate the financial impact of cyber attacks
  8. Layered Security: Implementing a multi-layered security approach is critical for protecting both the casino and its patrons

A Few Things to Consider

We recently spoke with someone in the industry who had to go through this ordeal and wished they had some of these protocols in place.

  • The Kill Switch: If you have a cybersecurity company, these companies must have the power to hit the “kill switch” to shut down systems if a cyber-attack is detected and a decision-maker is not immediately available to respond. This rapid response capability can prevent further damage and loss of sensitive data.
  • Alternative Communication Channels: Beyond cell phones or text messaging, casinos need to have additional communication platforms in place. Platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger can serve as reliable backups, ensuring seamless communication with staff. These platforms provide instant messaging capabilities, allowing for efficient and effective communication during challenging situations.
  • Standalone Email CRM System: Implementing a standalone email CRM system is crucial for casinos to send mass messages to guests, ensuring effective communication in difficult circumstances. Regularly updating the email list in the CRM is essential to ensure that the casino can reach as many guests as possible and maintain accurate contact information.
  • The Call List: Many of these attacks tend to happen during the late-night shifts when casino IT departments are understaffed and have limited senior members on duty. It is crucial to have a comprehensive call-down list in place, ensuring that all essential personnel can be contacted promptly and effectively in case of a network attack. This extensive call-down list plays a vital role in coordinating a swift response and initiating the recovery process without delay.

Catalyst Marketing Agency

The casino industry is a prime target for cybercriminals, and the threat landscape is evolving rapidly. With the potential for massive financial losses and the high cost of rebuilding customer trust, it’s clear that having a cyber-attack contingency plan is not optional—it’s a necessity. As the industry continues to grow, so does the importance of being prepared for the inevitable cyber threats that come with it. Don’t gamble with your casino’s security—invest in a contingency plan today. Need assistance, Catalyst is here for you. Call for a free consult