Preparing for a Cookieless World

Is there anything better than a fresh-baked chocolate-chip cookie? In our agency’s eyes, the answer is always yes. We know, we know—unpopular opinion. However, what if someone took your cookie from you? That wouldn’t be very nice.

Well, that is exactly what is happening in the advertising world. As privacy laws tighten, the use of third-party cookies is going by the wayside. This is forcing marketers to discover other avenues when it comes to targeting current and prospective customers. In fact, a recent study revealed that 76% of marketers have been unsuccessful in finding a solution to the decline of third-party cookies. The fact is that most marketers overlook the power of their current database. It may seem like you only have basic information about your customers, i.e., name, address, email, phone number, and so on. When you couple it with advertising platforms such as Facebook or Google it is far more valuable.

These platforms even have the ability to find your current and new customers online. When this data is paired with third-party data companies, you would be alarmed at the massive amount of information that can be attained. Want to know what kind of cars your customers drive? How about knowing their average household income? Just take a minute to imagine how targeted your own advertising could or already has become!

While many of the legacy targeting and marketing tools are going away, the use of the correct strategy and expertise in reaching customers should prevent future issues. Listen as Josh Williams, Catalyst’s Client Services Director catches us up on the evolving world of cookies pertaining to digital marketing and the way it is changing our reach to customers online.